If you attended our Christmas in July event you would have been first to hear about an upcoming development grant exclusive for WIFT Vic members, facilitated by Australian Production House.
We are excited to share that the grant is now live!
Australian Production House has a strong belief in the art of storytelling, investing in future creators and into creating strong pathway programs. The WIFT Vic Development Fund is the result of this belief, designed to help bridge the gap that exists between female and non-female producers.
Applications are now open for the WIFT Vic Development Fund, with up to $50,000.00 in development funding being offered for projects that have proof of a strong market place attachment in the form of either commissioning, distribution and/or sales agreements. Applications close 30 June 2025.
Projects can be in feature or series format, any genre and scripted or unscripted. Please note that short films are not eligible for this grant.
To apply, applicants must submit an industry standard pitch deck accompanied by their contact details via the link below. For more information about the fund, please get in touch with the team at Australian Production House via info@australianproductionhouse.com.